Thursday, March 11, 2010

Energy Vampirism in the Workplace

I teach that there is value in experiencing the Shadow side of life and how to use chaos and fear effectively. I define evil from a psychological, energetic, metaphysical and spiritual perspective that helps people to recognize and discern (not judge) how to apply spiritual principle to difficult situations. The concepts taught are helping people understand what is happening to them on a human level and validates their human experiences. Then they learn how to apply spiritual principles from Buddha, Jesus, Jungian psychology, and metaphysicians to move out of the human experience into the place where they can come into closer contact with their true spiritual nature. How does this apply to a business situation?

This is best illustrated with the following story: Recently, I met a group of middle management employees of a major Atlanta-based international organization at a local Starbucks, quite by accident. When I heard one of them mention 'malignant narcisscist' and 'borderline personality disorder', I realized that they were talking about behaviors that I call "energy vampirism". They were discussing a serious situation that existed with an upper level manager who was psychologically/verbally abusing lower level managers and team members. One of the members of the group described how her health has been affected over the course of the last two years and what she's been doing to try to keep her job. She has run the gamut of doctors, EAP options, business coaches, and finally consulted an EEO attorney. She has no recourse. Psychological abuse is not a crime and she has no legal way to mediate the situation. She loves her job and her team. She has no way to protect them from this manager as she has had to spend all her time protecting herself. At this point, I introduced myself and my book, Transformation of Evil to them. I teach people how to deal with situations exactly like this one. Everyone at the table resonated with the information and bought a book.

That was a chance meeting at a Starbucks. What kind of impact could this information have if it were disseminated to a larger audience? If you would like to sponsor a workshop, talk, or seminar, please contact me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Role of Sexual Violence in Humanity's Spiritual Evolution

There is attention being paid to the sex offenders laws in a part of California. This is being fueled by the news media's focus on a recent case of child abduction and rape taking place around San Diego. There are a few outraged people who are now doing the old village people's dance of "Let's hunt 'em down and kill 'em!" While I may have empathy for the sentiment, the reaction has never had any impact on sexual violence and it never will. Sexual violence is part of Humanity's psyche. Until Humanity decides that sexual violence no longer serves It, it will persist.
'Cut it Off!' doesn't stop sexual abuse or rape. Sexual violation takes many forms and doesn't have to include a penis. Cutting the penis off doesn't stop the production of the chemicals that cause sexual behaviors and it doesn't stop the psychological impulse pedophiles have. Sexual violence has been around for as long as there have been humans on this planet. There isn't an easy answer on how to stop it. If there were, we'd have figured out how to stop war. As a Legacy Breaker in my family and having done a lot of work in this area on a few different levels, I've come to the realization that on a spiritual level, Humanity will need to decide that this behavior no longer serves its needs before it stops. 
What can we, as individuals, do about it? We can work on ourselves to become more spiritually enlightened. Our thoughts create our reality and those thoughts radiate out into the collective consciousness. We can examine our own reactions to sex, sexuality, and intimate interactions. What are our own blocks? Where are our resistances? When we reach a critical mass in this area, we'll begin to see things change. Sexual violence could become an anomaly rather than a fact of every day life.
Looking at the spiritual perspective, we are Human Beings. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience. We agreed to experience the duality of Light and Dark. Sexual violence is a part of that experience, as much as we abhor it. When We, as collective Humanity, figure out what part of the Collective Psyche needs to be healed around this Shadow experience, it will stop. Until then, the best reaction we can have it to figure out how the experience helps us heal the Shadow parts of ourselves as individuals. 
Sexual violence is about Personal Power. The perpetrator chooses not to have any and seeks out 'victims' to use as energetic batteries. This is energy vampirism. The person who spiritually agreed to let this happen, experiences the human reactions that accompany sexual violation. From the human level, the 'victim' gets to decide how they will react to the experience as part of their spiritual growth process. The human reaction can be anything ranging from death to mental illness to living as a victim/survivor to becoming a healed human being. How each individual of the experience chooses to react is based on that person's intent for this lifetime. No one else gets to decide that. 

The recent focus on sexual violence is part of a cycle that has been occurring for many, many years. American society doesn't focus on it for a number of years and then something shifts. All of a sudden, it seems that the villagers are ready to bring out the pitch forks and start burning rapists and pedophiles at the stake. I haven't figured out why this happens but I would like to theorize that it happens because Humanity has reached a new level on the Spiral of Spiritual Evolution. The 'villager' reaction serves us as much as an enlightened reaction. The chaos that ensues is helping Humanity break through to a new level of healing and spiritual vibration.
Collectively, perhaps Humanity is ready to learn and heal an aspect of Its Shadow self. If this were true, then the individual reaction of each one of us is critical to the healing of the planet. There is no one best reaction. There is no good or bad way to behave. Judgment does not serve us. All any of us can do is to discern what is right for us at this particular time for our own individual spiritual journeys. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do I believe in God?

As people begin to respond to what they are reading in Transformation of Evil, they seem to be moved to ask one question consistently. Do I believe in God? I'm confused by this because the whole book is based on how seeing negative, abusive, energy stealing people who create hell in our lives as God can change an evil, chaotic situation into a powerful spiritual and emotional metamorphic experience.
You are God. I am God. I AM. If you mean do I believe that "Jesus Christ" is the only path to God, then the answer is no. If you are defining "God" as a guy who takes revenge and metes out punishments, then, again, the answer is no, I don't believe in that. I don't go through Jesus to get to heaven. Jesus said I could do it myself and maybe even better. Buddha said the same thing. So did Plato, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Einstein and hundreds of other teachers, philosophers, and scientists. Spiritual and Humanistic philosophy, metaphysical, energetic, and quantum physics science says that we are all God....all individual aspects or representations of Universal Consciousness. Do I pray? Yes. Do I meditate? Yes. Is that all the same thing? Yes.

I could not teach the material that I write about in Transformation of Evil if I didn't believe what I wrote. How could I come to the definition of Elevating Vibrations in Love if I could not come to terms with the fact that even the energy vampire, benign or malevolent, is, at his or her Highest Being, God? There is nothing but God, the Good, in the Universe. Therefore, the energy vampire serves a good  spiritual purpose even if it doesn't look that way on the human level. There are always two perspectives on everything....the spiritual and the human. We are all spiritual beings who agreed to have a human experience.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why You Should Use A Private Therapist

By Debra Redman, LMT, NCTMB
Life/Spiritual Coach, Medical Massage Therapist

People who use spa services regularly are spending up to 20% more than necessary because they have not been educated on the benefits and cost savings of using a private therapist. Despite the economy, people are spending money on massage in spas. What they don’t know is that they could be getting added value for that same dollar if they worked with a private therapist. I would like to discuss why you should choose a private massage therapist over a spa or a massage chain for your relaxation and healthcare needs.

Massage franchises such as Massage Heights, Massage Envy or Zen Massage have turned massages into a cheap, convenient commodity. The key word here is cheap. Franchises can only afford to hire new massage school graduates who have no experience. For people who have never had a massage, the price point encourages them to try it. The benefits of getting a massage at a massage franchise stop there.

Spas are an excellent choice when you just want to treat yourself. Spas can offer a variety of massage services such as Thai massage, couple massage, and stone massage sessions. Depending upon the length and type of massage you book, you will spend between $75 - $200 plus the tip you pay the therapist.

As a specialized massage therapist in private practice for over 17 years, I have the privilege of being able to work one-on-one with clients as part of their health and wellness process. I provide a combination of therapeutic, spa, and medical massage therapies coupled with life and spiritual coaching. Typically, you will not find a therapist with this level of expertise and professionalism working in a spa or a chiropractor’s office.

By the time a therapist chooses private practice, they have most likely had experience working in a spa or chiropractor’s office. After gaining experience, a therapist realizes they could make more money, better serve their clientele, and have the benefits of working for themselves. They developed their skill level and knowledge, invested in years of continuing education, and made a commitment to make massage therapy a full-time profession. Generally, a therapist who chooses private practice will have the emotional maturity and professionalism required to maintain a loyal clientele. Because they are in private practice, they can offer a level of care that simply is not possible in a spa or franchise environment.

The massage services offered in a spa or franchise will most likely be offered by a private practitioner for prices that are comparable to and usually less than a spa. For example, spas charge an average of $115 - $150 (plus tip) for a 90 minute session. A private therapist such as myself charges $120 where you receive therapeutic bodywork that is tailored specifically to your needs. The knowledge gained by the private therapist about your needs builds trust between the two of you as the relationship deepens and grows. This is key to how well your body receives the work.

Next, the private practitioner usually has control over the environment in which the two of you are working. In a spa or franchise setting, there will often be outside noise in the hallways that creates a disturbance in the massage room just as you are beginning to completely relax. In private practice, noise levels, the choice of music, the types of oils or lotions used, the design of the room, and the overall feel of the room is controlled by the therapist. This adds to the experience that you have when you get a massage.

Finally, when you choose to work with a private therapist, you choose to support a local business person instead of a large corporation. As a personal client, the private therapist is vested in your best interests. They have the time and ability to learn what your healthcare priorities are and will work to help you reach your goals. In a spa or franchise, the therapist does not have the time to develop a relationship of any depth beyond encouraging the client to ask for them again if they ever come back.

In summary, the benefits of spending your massage dollars with a private therapist are 1) a guaranteed high level of experience, expertise and skill, 2) tailored and specialized care, 3) quality of environment, 4) support of a local business, and 5) a quality relationship that benefits your health.

The best way to find a private therapist is to ask for referrals from friends, co-workers, or neighbors. You can also review reliable websites such as Understanding Health at You will find practitioners from around the Atlanta area and information about specific modalities.

Choose a franchise for convenience or a spa when you want to pamper yourself. For regular care, choose a private practitioner. You will spend less money in the long run and receive better care than any spa or franchise is capable of giving you.

Friday, October 3, 2008

11 Ways to F.E.A.R.™

11 Ways to F.E.A.R™
by Rev. Debra Redman
(excerpt from
Fall Down, Go Boom!)

The motivational phrase “Feel the fear and do it anyhow” doesn’t have the same energy as Flowing Easily, Allowing Rebirth or F.E.A.R™. Being scared and acting against that feeling requires courage, true, but it does nothing to help you let go of the resistance that created the feeling of fear in the first place. When you can allow the feeling of fear to flow through you, you have an ability to identify what is false evidence and determine for yourself how and why it would appear real to you. This is the beginning of your Dis-Illusionment. It’s the beginning of C.H.A.N.G.E.™

When you are ready to Flow Easily, Allowing your Rebirth, you need some ideas, mantras, and tools that can help you lessen the discomfort of your C.H.A.N.G.E.™ Presented now are eleven ways to F.E.A.R™

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #1
Your idea of how things should be is not how it is and that’s OK. The illusion has you fooled. You can disempower it by accepting that you don’t really know what’s going on.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #2
Quit “Shoulding” on yourself! Your tribal belief systems are rearing up and trying to stop your process every time you find yourself saying things like “it should be like that” or “I should have done this”, “I shouldn’t have done that.” Every time you should on yourself, you are beating yourself up. You are holding yourself to standards and rules that no longer serve you. Let them go.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #3
Don’t compare your experiences, your reactions, your process to anyone else’s. Every time you do, you set up the “Should” complex and you succeed in beating yourself up some more. Comparisons will never be one-to-one. This creates confusion, reinforces the guilt machine, and causes a great deal of pain. It’s unnecessary. Stop it.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #4
Many people have said it. It’s true. What other people think of you is really none of your business. Your friends, family members, trusted advisors, the guy at work are all going to have an opinion. Remember that most people’s reactions to your process arise out of their own fears.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #5
Trust yourself. Your intuition, your heart, never lies to you. It’s incapable. Trust that you know how to react, cope, and respond to whatever you attract during your C.H.A.N.G.E.™ When you work to make sure that your intuition and heart are connected, your expression of your Truth will be perfect, regardless of what that looks like.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #6
Cry. A wonderful holistic physician defines these times as “moisturizing moments.” Tears are a release of the old energy. They release the dam and get things flowing again. There are lots of ways to release energy blockages, but crying is the easiest and fastest way to clear your brain of the physical and emotional toxins that are causing pain and discomfort. You can think clearly again when you’re done.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #7
Affirm that you are safe. Say to yourself “I AM safe.” This is the Truth of your situation. Everything is happening perfectly and the Universe has got your back.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #8
Show up even when you don’t feel like it. It’s so tempting to try to go crawl under a rock and hope that you can stay there until it’s all over. There are times when retreat is absolutely required. If you try to stay under the rock, you’ll make yourself sick.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #9
Learn to discern. Discernment is not judgment. Judgment says there’s black and white, right and wrong. Judgment is best recognized as the dreaded word “should.” Discernment assesses how, when, where, why, and what is appropriate for you at any given time.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #10
Get support. Identify people who are capable of discernment and unconditional love who can be your guides and your shoulder to cry on. Create space in your energy to allow yourself to be supported. When you do, your Dory will appear in many forms.

F.E.A.R. ™ Tool #11
Get happy. See the humor. Be in the Joy. Laugh at the events of C.H.A.N.G.E™ Enjoy the rapids of F.E.A.R.™ Disempower the fear, turn the illusion on it’s head.

Your gift to the world is to show others how to use chaos, change, and fear to get what you want out of life. Since everyone is beginning to accept that thoughts create reality and that we are all connected, your microcosm is the hologram that mirrors the macrocosm. This goes back to the Hundredth Monkey Theory. You are the Hundredth Monkey. Now go have fun swinging through the trees!